Application of Fette EW Radial Threading Head on Hydromat Machines And Similar Rotary Transfer Machines

Roll threading with a threading head on a Hydromat transfer machine required modification of the operating station of the machine to include an operating trigger mechanism to trip the threading attachment once it was in the correct position to thread.

The latest offering from LMT Fette is a unique EW style tool that uses the part as the trip mechanism. A rotating mandril inside the head is engaged by the part and collapses the tool on itself through a 4 millimeter air gap. This compression trips the tool activates the thread rolls and resets itself once the toll retracts. The mandril accurately positions the thread location and prevents any unwanted forward movement of the part from its gripping jaws. No special mechanism is required of the machine operating station. This eliminates the need for station modifications that typically add $20,000 to the machine cost. If no part is in position to thread no compression takes place and the head is not tripped removing potential for false tripping.

Sintered carbide was discovered in the early 1920’s

What you want/need to know

Sintered carbide was discovered in the early 1920’s in Essen Germany as a resultant of a furnace explosion at the Krupp Iron and Steel Works. It was developed and played an important role in German military production during WW2. The Allied nations acquired carbide knowledge following the fall of the Hitler regime. While all carbide products offered today are sourced from the limited suppliers of the carbide powders. The recipe, tool design and coatings vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and have improved dramatically since 1950. Modern carbide products have been designed to run at speeds and feeds that will shorten cycle times and improve tool life. The biggest mistake made with carbide application is ignoring the information provided by the manufacturer. Adhering to the suggested feeds and speeds provided by each manufacturer guarantees maximum tool performance. Surface speed is the most important followed by feed rate. Depth of cut has the least impact on tool life. Ignoring the manufacturers recommendations will seriously degrade tool life and product output.